Upon arrival We simply pulled straight into the driveway and began to search for the hose bib, the hose bib was won the opposite side of the home from our house real so we had to pull a large amount of garden hose off of the real and run the gardenhose between the trailer and the truck and then ho a flight of stars to connect to the hose bib on this particular home, once we had connected the hose bib the object was to take pictures of the entire home, several can be seen below, once before pictures had been taken I pulled the end of the hose off of the reel for about 20 feet and then brought outback to the trailer and began to unravel the rest of the hose from the reel in a manner that left the end of the hose by the trailer and continued to pull out hose until the entire hose was unraveled. Once all of the hose was unraveled I dug out the xJet tool and prepared to use it by filling a Lowes 5 gallon bucket with 12.5% sodium hypochlorite.

Once this was full we put the pick up line from the x jet down into the bucket of 12.5% Sodium hypochlorite which would give us about a 4% mix while using the xjet to apply cleaning solution. We needed at least a 4% solution due to all of the Black streaks and build up on the brick home. Using this strength of solution would allow us to kill the organic growth and build up without needing to use much pressure which can damage home and surfaces. Once the front of the home and stairs were treated we walked around the back of the property and treated the back of the home in the same manner with the 4% Sodium Hypochlorite Solution Out of the X-jet.

Once all areas of the home with black organic growth were treated with the 4% sodium hypochlorite solution out of the X-jet tool I began to use the General pump downStream 20% fixed injector to apply a normal house washing mix to the rest fo the home, cleaning the eaves, windowsills, door jeans, doors, windows, screens, siding, brick, and grout. After allowing the house wash mix to sit on the home for a dwell time of roughly 10 minutes i determined that as the weather was particularly cold that day a bit more dwell time was appropriate and I reapplied the cleaning solution via the DownStream Injector from General Pump.Once adequate dwell time had been allowed and the dirt, grime, and debris had been loosened from the home we proceed to rinse th home with both low and high pressure, anywhere the at black build up was prevalent we used hi pressure to rinse the black growth away and follow along with low pressure to gently remove and pull away any remaining filth or grime.

We proceeded to the front of the home and followed the same steps of chemical application via downstream injector and dwell time. We also rinsed and raised an outline of the garage door onto the driveway.

Once the home has been cleaned with close attention to the windows and all black organic growth has been removed we proceed to clean the driveway by applying a degreaser from Carolina chemical via the General Pump Downstream Injector and surface cleaning the driveway without 20 Inch BE whirl away surface cleaner. Once the driveway was cleaned we Post treated the driveway with a downstream of 12.5% sodium hypochlorite.
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